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Tier 1 Collection California's Trusted Assesment Collection Firm

California's Trusted Collection Firm


We Make Assessment Recovery Our Priority

What to know about
Tier 1 Collections

We have over 15 years experience in assisting community associations with recovering delinquent assessments. We use both judicial and non-judicial foreclosure to successfully collect delinquent assessments for community associations. Assessments are the lifeline to any community association, and are certainly a requirement for it to operate smoothly. That's why collecting assessments is such a crucial part for the healthy operation of any community association.  We make the assessment collection process more efficient and precise utilizing our years of experience and expertise.  

Tier 1 Collections Crucial part for a healthy community

Our Services

Non-Judicial Foreclosure

Judicial Foreclosure

Small Claims

Tier 1 Why Choose an Assesment Collections

Why Choose Us




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